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Questions and Answers

Q: What do roof cleaners do?

A: Roof cleaners offer the services of removing any dirt, fungus, algae, and any other kind of built-up substance on your roof. While basic debris removal can be handled on your own, roof power washing is a service that requires extensive knowledge and experience.

Roof cleaners generally come to a home for an estimate before they provide the final scope and pricing for a project and agree to conduct the cleaning. Apart from basic cleaning, you can also expect your crew to deal with gutter cleaning and roof oxidation which is common for metal roofs.

Q: How do roof cleaners charge?

A: Roof cleaners can charge either per square foot or per hour of work. The former charging method is more common in this business, however, the latter may occur for the small-scope projects. Besides the roof cleaning, some companies also provide gutter cleaning, roof painting recoating; yet, these are not obligatory services so make sure to inquire about them at your contractor’s.

Q: What is the average cost of the roof cleaning services?

A: On average, roof cleaning takes from $625 to $825 from homeowners’ pockets. The square footage rates average between $15 and $30 per square foot. Your home location, climate, roof size and dirt level will be the influencing factors of the final price for the cleaning. For more information about the charges, please read our roof cleaning cost guide.

Q: What factors affect the cost of the roof cleaning services?

A: Among the most influential factors are the size and the slope of the roof. As the cost is calculated based on the roof square footage, the bigger it is, the higher will be the cost. Additional factors that usually increase the price of roof cleaning services are:

  • Design. The more complex your roof design is, the more complex the cleaning process will be. It’s easier to clean a flat roof than a multilevel structure.
  • Roof/building height. It’s much easier to deliver all required equipment to a one-story building than to a three-story house. The higher your home is, the more you should expect to pay. Some companies will also charge extra for the additional insurance for cleaners working on high roofs.
  • Steepness. The steeper your roof is, the harder it is to guarantee workers safety there. For extra safety precautions, you will need to pay more.
  • Gutters. If gutters cleaning is not included in the initial estimate, then such a service will be added as an extra service to your bill.
  • Climate. Homes located in climates where weather change is frequent and differs drastically are likely to require more often an extensive roof cleaning. For example, if you live in constant temperature with sun all year round, then your roof will be relatively clean. In case your home is subject to snow in winter, heavy rainfalls in fall, and boiling sun in summer, then your home will accumulate higher levels of dirt, algae, moss, and lichen, and thus will require more profound cleaning.
  • Additional services. The stain-blocking cover is applied to protect a roof prone to algae; metal roof painting also costs additionally. Some companies may advise additional services for your particular case to prolong the clean-roof effect.

Q: How to avoid dealing with a scam roof cleaning company?

A: Roof cleaning is usually required every 4-6 years but with the unreliable service, you might face the need to re-clean your roof annually. Carefully choose your roof cleaning contractor and avoid scam businesses by knowing the following red flags:

  • License. Most states require roof cleaning companies to obtain a vendor’s license, a business license, and in some cases a contractor’s license. The absence of a license number even on the web page of a company and refusal to show it is the most common sign of a non-reputable company.
  • Insurance. Protection of the employees during such complex and dangerous works is obligatory throughout the country. Moreover, inquire if the company provides liability insurance so that you won’t be responsible for any injuries that happen on your property unless you want to pay the bills of an injured roof cleaner in the future.
  • On-site visit. No professional roof cleaner is able to evaluate the scope of a project without taking a close look at your roof. Phone or online estimates are the sign of a scam.
  • Low cost. Lower than average cost is a sign either of the experience lack or of the illegal business. Avoid too-good-to-be-true prices.
  • Lack of proper equipment. If your contractor states that s/he needs more time because s/he doesn’t have the right equipment, it’s better to look for a company that does.