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CHEAPEST CAR REPAIR AROUND - Walker's Automotive - Certified Mechanic

Auto Repair Services
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Biloxi, MS

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 72268


  • Auto Repair Services


Walker's Automotive
Do all types of repairs on just about anything.
Gas, diesel; cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles; engines, transmissions, brakes, tires, tuneups, oil changes, Heating and A/C, audio, electronics, towing.

Can do whatever you need done, just ask.
Cheapest price around. You pay the same discount rate I pay for parts, no upcharge. Will beat anybody's price.
Call a mechanic who will be happy to talk to you about what's going on with your vehicle and will work with you to figure out the best repair at the cheapest price.

Certified mechanic, over 30 years experience.
Located in Woolmarket, only a few minutes north of I-10.
Call 24/7 roadside service.


Biloxi, MS