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Math and Test Preparation Tutor 20 Years Experience SAT/ACT/GRE/MTEL

Private Tutoring
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Springfield, MA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 105520


  • Private Tutoring


I have been teaching and tutoring mathematics in the pioneer valley for the past 20 years. I specialize in helping students who have traditionally struggled with mathematics, and I always strive to tailor my instruction to suit the specific learning needs of each student, striving to give each student an increased sense of independence and confidence after each lesson. I have a bachelors degree in mathematics from Oberlin College and am readily familiar with all areas of mathematics from basic mathematics, such as the instruction of times tables, fractions, etc., through High School math including Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus. I also have expertise in helping students prepare for all types of standardized tests, with special attention given to the SAT and the state mandated MCAS tests, for both mathematics and language arts, given to 10th grade students.
I also have extensive experience helping students develop good study skills with a specific focus on test taking.

I travel from Springfield to Greenfield and from Williamsburg to Wendell and many other places across the Pioneer Valley

I can offer a discount to my standard rates for those willing to purchase at least 4 hours of tutoring time in advance.

Enthusiastic Local References available upon request.


Springfield, MA