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Trey the Car Guy!

Auto Repair Services
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Honolulu, HI

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 118101


  • Auto Repair Services


Howzit, I'm Trey! I am a automotive repair technician available to service cars on the days I don't work at my shop! I do most replacement jobs that you can think of, belts, stereo hookup, window motor, head gasket, and much more. If you just have questions or need advice, I don't mind sharing what I know. I can come to you or you can come to me, either way is fine to me. My prices normally are 20% - 30% less than average shops. Since I'm always under the hood, text and email works best.

Brake pad replacement: ~$80 for one side (both front or both rear)
Spark plug replacement: ~$80 (depending on difficulty of vehicle)
Wheel rotation: $50 (all wheels)
Emergency jump start / spare tire installation (you provide spare tire) - ~$20 (depending on where you are)

Many Mahalos,
Trey Lima


Honolulu, HI