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Professional Horse Training & Horsemanship Instruction

Horse Training
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Kingston, NY

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 66653


  • Horse Training


EarthEquine Professional Horsemanship is back in the Hudson Valley for the summer to provide solid educational opportunities for both horses and riders. We offer mobile horse training and comprehensive instruction in effective horsemanship and are willing to work with you and your horse in your own environment.

Our trainer combines principals of classical dressage with natural and western horsemanship to provide the horses with an education that is both versatile and stimulating. The horses learn to develop the physical balance necessary for them to carry a rider with agility and grace, which greatly enhances their overall rideability.

A strong emphasis is placed on relaxation, symmetry, softness, and communicative clarity. A balance of these elements helps develop trust within the horse-human relationship, which is a crucial dynamic for establishing positive behavior patterns while still maintaining the psychological well-being of the animal.

Essentially, we encourage the horse to think about how to respond to requests, rather than solely conditioning him to form habits. This develops his capacity for learning and establishes the trust he needs to feel confident enough to look to his human partner for guidance when he is afraid or confused.


* Classical Dressage
* Natural Horsemanship
* Western Horsemanship
* Cross-training (including jumping & trail)
* Rehabilitation
* Behavior Modification
* Herd Dynamics
* Liberty Work
* Line Work
* Work on the Long Lines
* Driving
* Starting
* Round Pen Utilization
* Stallions/Young Horses
* Leadership Development
* Equestrian Performing Arts
* Equine Assisted Life Enhancement

How it works .....
The first session is essentially a consultation, where our trainer travels to your facility to observe the horse's behavior and some of the dynamics within your relationship to him. The trainer may interact with the horse, offer feedback, and make suggestions based off initial impressions. Consultations are highly informative and our clients typically gain a lot of instruction and insight in these first meetings

Consultation (Introductory Session) .................. only $40 (plus fuel costs if outside Ulster County)


Kingston, NY


  • Photo #1: Professional Horse Training & Horsemanship Instruction