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BUY A LETTER-Consumer, Landlord, Bank, Car, Labor, Divorce

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San Francisco, CA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 93406


  • Lawyers


If you are having a difficult issue in your job, with your landlord, a car dealership or bank, sometimes you can compel a sense of fairness by sending a strong, well-written letter. I have also been helpful in divorce situations. The phrase, "Buy a letter," is used mostly in the legal community, and refers to the process of engaging an attorney to send a letter on your behalf to scare someone off or make them treat you right.

Sometimes corporations or people KNOWINGLY violate the law or someone's rights, because they figure that a person does not have the resources or wits to stand up to them. Receiving a strong, lucid letter sometimes causes them to respond appropriately. Sadly, many people who call on me for this service are being victimized of because of their income disposition, educational disadvantages, prison record or misplaced trust in public officials.

I have been effective in resolving grade challenges in academia and contract disputes.

I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY and I cannot help you with your legal issues. But I CAN help you craft a letter to whomever is doing you wrong, or trying to take advantage of you in a "civil" matter. To goal in retaining me is to hopefully get a fair deal without needing the services of a legal counselor. I offer an evaluation of your situation and candid assessment as to whether I might be helpful to you, or whether you need an attorney. I do not offer to evaluate any legal documents you have have received. If you have received a legal notice, you need an attorney to help you respond.

It can be advantageous to convey your message or objection in this manner. Sometimes, when a company or agency receives a letter on an attorney's letterhead, they reflexively assume they are in an adversarial situation, and a resolution becomes more difficult. Receiving a personal, strongly-worded letter from YOU conveys your message without the implicit threat of imminent legal action. It can also give them a chance to save face, and make it right by you at the same time.. If this course of action is not successful, then I would advise you to retain formal legal counse

I cannot guarantee any particular success or results, only that you will be heard, on the basis of a thoughtful, constructive appeal. Sometimes this is all you need to get what you've been asking for.

You are invited to call me or e-mail me a summary of your issue. I offer total confidentiality and will sign a NDA if required.

I am a professional writer and editor for the academic and corporate sector. In the course of offering these services, I find I am fulfulling a greater number of requests for this type of service.

Good Luck,
H. Scott Prosterman


San Francisco, CA