2 Caterers near Newark, DE

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Best Newark Caterers

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You can be confident that your event will be of the highest quality. Great Food, Prompt professional service, inviting and attractive set-up. Keeping your food hot and at a safe temperature. Catering for all occasions and all locations: View more

Newark, DE

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Hello, I am a chef. I have been cooking for eighteen years. Meeting new people is a great experience. I love when they taste the delicious food that I had made. My team are my wife she is a great chef. I cater to high-class clients. and they love the food. I have been hired by my client's friends and family. View more

Newark, DE

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2 years ago

Catering Services request from Toni Garcia

Wilmington, DE 19802

Type of service: Griller.  Project details: Grill master for my cook out..  Start of services: On one particular date.  Best date(s) and time: Jul 03, 2022 at 4:00PM EDT.  Photo for task: Not specified.  Additional info: Not specified.