2 Limo Companies near Lakeland, FL

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Best Lakeland Limo Companies

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Casablanca Transportation provides taxi and personal driver service in the Central Florida area. The company has been in business for 14 years. We are reliable and always punctual and on time. View more

 10554 Lake Monterey Dr, Orlando, FL 32821
Limo Services

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We are a great and affordable transportation service in the Tampa Bay area. View more

 103 E Genesee St, Tampa, FL 33603
Limo Services

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1 year ago

Personal Driver request from Patrice Barnett

Lakeland, FL 33810

Type of vehicle: Does not matter.  Budget: Not specified.  Project details: Someone to drive my brother to school and me to work in the morning, and then both of us back home at the end of the day. 2 rides per day, 5 days per week..  Start of services: I'm flexible.  Additional info: Not specified. 

1 year ago

Personal Driver request from David Borsani

Lakeland, FL 33803

Type of vehicle: Does not matter.  Budget: $50.00 per week.  Project details: Senior male needs ride to grocery store nearby.  Start of services: I'm flexible.  Additional info: No.