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How to manage your divorce wisely

talking to partner

Although the divorce rate in the United States reached its lowest point for the past 40 years in 2016, it is still quite high and remains a burning subject that needs discussing. Breaking up is a tough decision to make for both parties, accompanied not only by emotional and physical strain, but also, in many cases, by considerable expenses. However, the cost of a divorce can be higher or lower depending on how wisely you can manage it. Here are some tips you could follow to save some money during the painful process of separation from someone you used to love.

1. Decide what you really need

It is more than likely that you are angry with your spouse and want to fight with them over each and every issue. However, conflict costs money, so first decide what things are the most important to you: your children, house, funds, or something else. Once you have made up your mind, you can invest most of your budget into that particular area. Avoid bickering over trifles like household objects: make sure the game is really worth the candle.
dealing with divorce issues

2. Think of other ways to settle the matter

Trial is the last thing you should resort to since it requires more finances than other methods of dispute resolution. Think about what can replace traditional litigation. This could be mediation, collaborative process, or straightforward non-contested divorce. In the majority of cases, you will be able to reach an agreement with your spouse quicker by meeting with them alongside a divorce specialist or a mediator, and it will certainly cost you much less.

3. Postpone having new relationships until it is all over

While it is true that many people find a new partner after their divorce, it is usually wise to avoid introducing another person into your life so far your divorce process is an ongoing matter, especially if kids are involved. Seeing a new person next to you may affect your spouse’s feelings and increase your financial burden. Wait until it is all over.

4. Be focused and organized

While a divorce is obviously a very stressful situation, you should keep your emotions under control and stay focused on the essential things. You need to be organized in order to provide your lawyer with the most accurate and detailed information regarding your finances or any other aspects of your life. If you forget something or mess something up, it can increase your expenses since your lawyer may have to clarify certain details over the phone. You should also never mislead your lawyer or tell them something that is not true to the fact.
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5. Look further ahead

What happens in the course of your divorce process will definitely affect your future and will most likely reflect on the financial side of your life. So, you should look as far ahead as you can, trying to understand how each of your current moves will affect you or your children in five years or so. With that in mind, you can make better choices concerning money matters.

6. Consider different options of communication with your lawyer

The sum in your legal bill increases every time you and your lawyer discuss matters over the phone. However, you can save a sizable portion of your budget by following these simple recommendations.

  • Before you pick up the receiver, make certain you have all the information your lawyer needs. In many cases, a paralegal may know as much as your lawyer does. So try putting your question to a paralegal first.
  • Not all issues are so important or need immediate attention as they seem at first sight. Whenever you have a question or an idea to discuss with your legal adviser, take a pen and write it down. Perhaps, you could talk it over later, or there could be some information gaps you still need to fill.
  • Wait until there is a list of issues to discuss with your lawyer. Avoid calling them for each question you have.
  • Consider emailing your lawyer instead of calling them on the phone. That way you will let them look into the issue whenever they have time and will save some money, too.

7. Avoid dealing with divorce without a divorce lawyer by your side

Never try to start the divorce process on your own without the support of a divorce lawyer. While a small number of cases can be really straightforward (there is no property to contend over, no children, or no conflict), in the majority of situations the help of a professional lawyer specializing in divorces is highly recommended. It is true that their services can cost you quite a penny, but a lawyer may point out some issues to you that you have never thought about, and that could save you money in the long run.office-2820890_960_720

While every divorce case is unique and can be quite tough to resolve, following the suggestions given above you can reduce your legal costs and time required to settle the matter. They can also help you to minimize the stress and avoid many negative consequences of a divorce.

Disclaimer: This article should not be considered as legal advice. It is provided for general information purposes only.

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