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Excel Electrical Services LLC

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Columbus, OH

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 112453


  • Electrician


Small electric jobs are all I do. Repair or upgrade your electric. Glen Copeland
Serving Small local businesses, offices, residential home owner, realtor and REO customers in the Reynoldsburg / Blacklick/ Pickerington and east side of Columbus area.

Many of the typical small services call and repair jobs I do are in the $120 - $200 price range. (Replace a bad light switch or electric outlet plug, fix a loose electrical receptacle, change out a light fixture, find a short. etc)

Troubleshoot and Repair an electric problem in your home or small business.

As fall and winter approaches and the nights get longer. Now is the time to replace your old exterior light fixtures with modern LED light fixtures before it's to cold and dark outside.

Fix a short in the wiring.

Bathroom, outdoor or garage outlets plugs not working? I can fix that!

Replace old light fixtures, defective electric outlets and switches.

Install or replace GFI GFCI receptacles outlets in the kitchen, bathroom, garage or basement.

Add new switches, lights or outlet boxes in your basement or workshop.

Replace old ugly electrical outlet plugs and switches with new ones. Do have receptacles that the electric cord just falls out of, it's time to replace them.

Are your Smoke alarms beeping and chirping? Please, Replace the battery in all your fire detectors / smoke alarm every 6 month. Replace smoke detectors in your home if they're over 10 years old.

Ground / Bond CSST gas line.

REO, Home inspection required and buyer request to remedy electric items repaired.

Selling your House? I offer home inspector Request to remedy electrical repairs.

240 volt power plug outlet circuit. Stove, dryer, welder, compressor, heater.


Columbus, OH


  • Photo #1: Excel Electrical Services LLC