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10 things to talk about before marrying your loved one


Marriage is the daylight of your lifetime. It is probably the most significant event everyone of us will undoubtedly never forget.

Beautiful romantic films nudge people to organize spectacular wedding ceremonies and live happily together till death do the couple apart.

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But all we know that life is not only a sweet honeymoon, romantic suppers and feasting eyes on your love. There are dozens of matters you should settle prior to registration of marriage.

Our guide is aimed at steering you at the right direction. Take a look at it and make sure all secrets are unlocked and misunderstanding will hardly make you to break up.

It may seem for you that everything is clear and you’re ready to create a family. And in some ways you are right.

The fact that you have come to pre-wedding arrangements shows your close ties, based on common values and interests. Yet, it’s better to hedge your bets and start the conversation.

Read on and get to know which talking points should be revealed. To all intents and purposes, considering following tips wouldn’t go amiss.

What to discuss with your fiancé before marriage

  1. Children

    This issue may be predictable, as the overarching aim of human being is procreation. Thus, the question of future children is the key one in any family.
    At first, bring to light whether your future spouse plan to have children at all. How many of them he or she expects.

    Agree on the age you think you’re able to become parents. Talk also on such thorny subjects as abortion, sterility and adoption.
    It’s important to find a common solution on these vexed questions before life requires your immediate actions leaving no time for a cooling-off period.
    In addition, both of you should think of the ways of upbringing. The view on kid’s future development may differ as well.

  2. Financial issues

    Money is very often a cornerstone of any marital relations. According to numerous sociological researches, financial matters are among the top reasons why the couples break up.
    It is really painful to split up on the ground of such material needs. But with little children it could turn into disaster.

    HireRush.com recommends to start from discussing any debts. Before getting engaged, you and your bit on the side have to know about all loans and notes of each other.
    Next step is to consider your common money and family budget. Agree on your personal bank accounts and their further use.
    Get together on a point of money spending. For one of you a weekly shopping spree may be a must-have, while for another it may seem a total waste.

  3. Career

    This point is an important part of personal development and way of life in general. So don’t miss career when intercommuning .
    Tell your partner about your nearest future intentions and how you see your professional plans. Explain how you’re going to climb career ladder.

    Share your points of view towards the place of the work in your life and ask the same questions. That will shed light on looking for and can help to avoid groundless pretensions from both sides.

  4. Conflict settlement

    Quarrels and controversy are the inevitable part of human relationships. And they naturally come to the boil living with another person under one roof.

    But what psychologists say, is that problem solving and negotiation skills come in handy not only in business, but also in home environment. It can insure your marriage from dissolving.
    Consequently it would be great if you manage to build consensus on disputes settlement.

  5. System of beliefs

    This topic involves all kinds of your views and beliefs, which are crucial for building a harmonious family. Prepare your spouse to them and get ready to carry them throughout the whole life.

    As most of us we live in multicultural societies, consider your partner’s faith. Think how it will affect both of your living styles.

  6. Location

    The place where you’re going to live may not correspond with your fiancé’s expectations. So touch upon this question as well.
    Exchange ideas of your future domicile taking into consideration the roots, profession and willing of both of you. Discuss the ability to move.

    Think of your children’s probable requirements and current salary level. All of it can matter. Make sure you reached consensus.
    To start with, negotiate the venue of your marriage. Resort to event planners, if disaccording even now.

  7. Family obligations

    You and your spouse may most probably have understood already what kind of people you both are. Although, when it comes to stepping off the carpet, things may change.

    That’s why, be ready to have and perform duties inside the family. But do your best first to decide on main issues concerning you family members’ treatment.
    Talk about spending drab existence and holidays together. Mind the questions like “Do any of you need some freedom? In what way will you take care of potential children?

  8. Sexual relationship

    This is rather a touchy matter, but you certainly have to include it in your conversation. Besides, it will always be important to know how to bespeak sex from this moment on.

    You shouldn’t get embarrassed to say anything, depending on discussion openness. Chat about your previous partners and preferences. Ensure both are satisfied at the current moment.
    Work out the plan on how to maintain passion and entertain a lover if sex goes boring.

  9. Stumbling blocks

    Marriage often implies tolerating each other’s vices. Actually, the things that put you out of temper may be the usual practice for your beloved.
    Are you ready to put up with those things? Anyway, you will have to, so discuss this issue beforehand.

  10. Household chores

    Household doesn’t seem to be the most important thing to talk about before marriage at the first sight. Nonetheless, it should be discussed as home labor needs to be organized effectively.

    Speak about you house duties and divide them so that to comply with both requests. Share responsibilities in cooking meal, cleaning, washing etcetera.

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