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5 Tips for Building an Amazon FBA Business


Amazon FBA, or Fulfilled By Amazon, is a popular business idea in 2022. As one of, if not the most popular eCommerce site around the world, it’s no surprise that selling products on Amazon is an ideal choice for lots of entrepreneurs in this sector. And selling with Amazon FBA can have many benefits in comparison with running a regular eCommerce store since Amazon will take care of things like packaging, shipping, and customer returns on your behalf. Keep reading for some top tips on building a successful Amazon FBA business.


Consider Buying an Existing Business

If you want to jump right into an established business with Amazon FBA and start making money right away, then buying an existing business might be a better idea compared to starting your own from scratch. There are currently thousands of sellers using Amazon FBA and these businesses are valued and sold all the time. The best way to find a profitable Amazon FBA business to purchase is hiring a broker. A broker can help you find the ideal business for you at the right price.


Choose a Profitable Product

Like any other eCommerce venture, the product that you decide to sell on Amazon is going to be one of the most important decisions that you make. Many products sell well on Amazon and have the potential to help you make a large income when combined with the right strategies. On Amazon, product categories that tend to sell the best include sports and outdoors, kitchen and dining, home furnishings, beauty and personal care products, healthcare and household products, and office products. There are several tools that you can use to analyze products on Amazon and figure out how profitable it could be for your business.


Sending to Amazon

When you are setting up an Amazon FBA business, sending your products to Amazon can often be one of the most confusing parts of the entire process. You will need to send your products to an Amazon warehouse that is based in the location where you are planning to sell your products. If you are buying products from suppliers in a different country, they will usually be able to send them directly to Amazon, so they don’t need to go through you first. To get your products sent to Amazon, you will need to set up a shipping plan. You’ll also need to arrange for either your supplier or Amazon to set up a UPC or barcode for each product to sell them on the platform.


Stay On Top of Inventory

When Amazon stores and fulfils your inventory on your behalf it can be easy to lag behind in inventory management. However, you should stay on top of checking this part of your seller account and ordering more products when needed as often as possible, as running out of your product could mean losing customer and sales. Along with this, it’s also important to avoid ordering too much inventory as this could result in high storage costs.


Keep Growing and Learning

Selling with Amazon FBA can take a while to get to grips with, and when first starting out, it can be all too easy to become overwhelmed. However, you will get more familiar with the process as time goes on, but don’t allow yourself to become too complacent when this happens. Be sure to stay up to date with the latest developments from Amazon, track your products to see how they are selling over time, and find new options for learning including podcasts, conferences and workshops, or mentorship.




Amazon FBA is a popular way to sell online. Keep these tips in mind if you are interested in starting and running a successful Amazon FBA business.

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