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Danger tattoo issues: which myths are true?

danger tattoo

Tattooed people have always raised questions in the society. In the past tattoos were used to mark people, to differentiate them from the “ordinary” people. In Africa, danger tattoo was made with the implication to protect their owners from all the evil or help them during the hunt. While the world has developed significantly, people with tattoos are still considered weird and frequently looked at accusingly.

This is the most common reason why many people refuse making any tattoos. Yet, the society talks a lot about harm and danger tattoo art can cause. In reality, not everything is that bad! We collected seven most common myths about tattoos to help you be free of prejudices and get your tattoo done soon!

Myth #1: People with tattoos can’t get a good job

Verdict: FALSE

There is a great number of famous people in all possible professions who have tattoos. From politicians and CEOs to heads of states, people in all work environments earn great positions regardless of their tattoos. Very often parents say that the danger tattoo can bring is that the child will never find a well-paid job. In reality, tattoos can be covered with clothes and are not prohibited in most modern professions. If not getting a white-collar job is your number one reason not to get a tattoo, then forget about it.

man in suit with tattoo

Myth #2: Danger tattoo needles that contract HIV

Verdict: FALSE

This is a true myth about tattoo craft. Read the article at the official page of HIV association in the US and learn that there are no cases of people contracting HIV after having a tattoo done; furthermore, no one got HIV even from a body piercing for that matter. Of course, it’s essential to stay put and attentive to the instruments that your master will be using to make a tattoo for you. HIV association says that there is a danger tattoo issue in term of needles, that this is a potential risk. But this only means that tattoos should be done only by properly licensed tattoo artists.

Myth #3: You can’t have an epidural with a back tattoo

Verdict: TRUE

The truthfulness of this myth significantly depends on the hospital you get delivered to, but be ready to face such a situation. Some anesthesiologists, who give epidurals (which is a painkilling injection into the spine) to women during the childbirth, have raised many concerns about piercing tattoo covered skin. Their concerns are not groundless. Particles of the ink may get inside the spinal cord during the epidural and contaminate the medication. Even though the risk is tending to zero, make sure to check with your hospital or just wait after you give birth.

woman tattoo back

Myth #4: Bone tattoos are more painful

Verdict: TRUE

Yes, getting a tattoo on the bone (on a part of your body where bones get close to the skin) is more painful. The reason is in the fat tissue under your skin. When the tattoo needle goes through the skin and ends up in the fat tissue, the latter acts as a cushion that absorbs the pain (it happens because there are fewer nerves in the fat tissue). When the needle gets on the areas of your body that don’t have much fat, you feel everything much better. If it’s your first tattoo, then choose a less painful spot!

Myth #5: Painkillers before the procedure help

Verdict: FALSE

Our bodies work in the following way: once something is injured in the body, the pain receptor sends out messages to the brain through the nerve endings. What painkillers do is interference with those messages. In case of skin injuries (which is the case for tattoos), the coagulability of your blood will be lower and you risk losing too much blood while not feeling bad (thanks to the painkillers).

Don’t also go for the local anesthesia in the gel form. It will “freeze” the required part of your body, but in this case, inks may mix up with the gel and you will get ugly and fuzzy colors.


Myth #6: There are vegan tattoos

Verdict: TRUE

The trend for everything vegan has got even to the tattoo inks. Many tattoo inks do contain bone char (which is burnt animal bones). For vegans getting such ink into their blood may be problematic; not even mentioning the psychological part of this situation. But don’t fear, today the possibility to get a vegan tattoo has become absolutely possible. These types of ink don’t contain anything of animal nature to protect your body and soul.

Myth #7: You can’t remove tattoos and especially multicolored ones

Verdict: FALSE

Science has reached unbelievable heights, and danger tattoo removal methods have sunk into oblivion. Today almost pain-free and scar-free methods of tattoo removal are available for everyone and almost everywhere! Yes, you might have heard a well-known fact that yellow, white, or pink colors are the most difficult for removal, while black responses best to laser removal. Yet, it doesn’t mean that removal is impossible, it just takes a little more time.

colored tattoo

We hope that you received information that will cast away your doubts and you will be ready to make your first tattoo without any prejudices! Should you be still in the search of a perfect tattoo master, click the button below to find a tattoo specialist near you.

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