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How to pick a door lock


Having locked yourself outside the house you realize that you forget the key on the counter. The only way is to open a door using some everyday items.

As the art of door lock picking can more often be associated to illegal conduct, let’s clear up that this fantastic technique may be used by law-abiding citizens as well.

You may guess from the start what this article will be about. Yes, our life is tricky and sometimes presents us with various challenges and trying times.

You may lose the key, your little son may lock himself inside the building, your lock may brake down and you can’t get inside your house even with the key.

There may be different situations in which you may need to put the skill of lock picking into practice. At the same time, HireRush.com warns you again applying this knowledge in somebody’s despite.

On the contrary, our tips may appear very helpful in some cases and sometimes even safe lives. Read the instructions below and you will be ready to some challenges of your life.

Most of us are convinced that picking a door lock with no key is a privilege of the particular professionals. That’s really true. Meanwhile, everybody can master this skill.

You may train a bit and try to do it yourself. Actually, it’s much easier than it may seem on the first gaze.

This guide will shed light on the real lock construction. Understanding of how it really works is not necessary, but knowing the basics is half the battle and may save you much time in future.

With door lock picking skill you will be able not only to save yourself, but also to rescue your friends or relatives. Moreover, you will learn how to do it without property or health damages.

You won’t require any locksmith’s tools. All steps can be readily done with the help of simple everyday household goods.

4 Ways to pick your door lock

  • Use a paperclip

The first thing that comes to mind when you need to unlock the door is grabbing the paperclip. But don’t indulge a vain hope. It may be much more difficult than in the movies.

You will need some time to tinker with the lock and properly adjust the picklock. Besides you have to prepare the clip itself.

With the help of a hammer flatten the end of your paperclip. Take a tension wrench or replace it with the small item that can fit the hole.

Slip your paperclip over the wrench and stop when it hit a lock pin. Now, push the paperclip up and turn so that you can take the pin away.

If you succeed, the wrap will rotate as well. You need to maintain it in the same position while trying to move the clip further.

Your task is to take another pin and not to allow the first one return back to its initial siting. Put out the paperclip and do the same with each lock pin.

  • Hire a locksmith

Of course you not always have much time to wait for a specialist. Though, it is the easiest option to choose when it’s necessary to have your door unlocked.

No creativity, but a guaranteed result. So find a local locksmith and contact him right now if needed.Leave your request here

  • Apply your credit card

Picking a door lock this way make you feel like the CIA agent or the member of the Mafia. Despite it can look strange or even ridiculous and silly, credit card can do you a favor.

Specialists say that you can successfully apply a credit card to some kind of door locks. For example, regular key locks respond well to such method.

The best option is not to use your own acting credit card, as it can be damaged. Alternatively, choose something like supermarket discount card or a kind of that.

All you need to do is to pop it into the space between the door-post and the door above the handle. When the card reaches the latch assembly the door will open.

But be careful, you haven’t virtually picked the lock. Don’t close the door, as you may be locked up again.

  • Unlock the privacy doorknobs with a hair pin

Some types of door knobs don’t require a key. They are most often established in bathrooms and bedrooms.

To pick such door lock you can use a booby pin. If you failed to find it, get creative and try to fashion some other objects.

A hex wrench, a hair pin are the most suitable items. Insert them into the push button hole (if the door has it) and you will unlock the door at once.

For some door handles it is not enough. If it has a twister, you need to rotate the pick until you hear a click.

After that you actually picked your door lock and can open the door. Yet, in some case you may need to apply other methods if you didn’t manage to solve the problem.

Sometimes you may need to unscrew the door knobs and remove it. This may be the only way to open the door and get in or outside.

Comments (5)

  1. Tracy Morgan

    Hey, Thank you very much for the advice and it’s always better to call a locksmith. A well mannered and honest locksmith service provider always provides you all the information that you required from them. Also, don’t be afraid to interview the locksmith, asking about the experience that the company offers.

    1. Yulia Poltavets

      Hi Tracy. Thank you for your comment! We have lots of interesting advice ahead.

  2. james

    nice information

    1. Yulia Poltavets

      Thank you!

  3. James

    Great information shared…..


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