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How to potty train a boy

potty training boy a little boy with rolls of toilet paper

What is so different about potty training a boy?

Potty training a toddler is really important, but also quite emotional and challenging step in both parents’ and child’s life. It requires decent dedication and patience, proper timing, consistent and unified training approach. Aside from all the scientific and sociological potty training tips you might get from books and TV, babysitters, doctors, friends who have children and your family members, there’s something else you should grasp in the first place. That thing is the understanding that every kid is unique and develops in his/her own path. And the parents’ task is to provide an ability to grow and develop, encourage and help their children learn new skills and perceive new information. Each parent ‘feels’ his own child much better than other people do. So, when it comes to potty training, you should read the signs to see if your toddler is ready to start going potty and what’s the best way to potty train your kid. As obviously, there’s no universal way to toilet train a child, just like there’s no universal parenting approach, which will be suitable for all families even throughout one country or town.

You should see what’s best for your kid, what will work for him and what will not. It involves considering your son’s or daughter’s personality, already formed habits, schedule, etc.  This will help any parent figure out what to expect while potty training a toddler and what methods to use on different toilet training stages. And, taking into consideration the child’s gender is also something you shouldn’t forget about. The fact is that physiological features of boy’s and girl’s bodies differ significantly, including the differences of their digestive and urinary systems. And, physiological peculiarities of two genders cause psychological ones.

Consult with an experienced babysitter

Anyway, I’m not a doctor to explain those things professionally. But, according to the official studies, boys and girls respond to potty training differently. Some people mention that boys are harder to toilet train, as they become fully toilet trained much later than girls who start the process at the same age. Some people even mention that girls are easier to potty train as they develop the desire to stay clean all the time much earlier than boys. I don’t think that is true.boy about to use a potty

However, most parents are a little bit more confused when it comes to deciding on how and when to potty train a boy. At what age should they start? Should they teach a boy to pee standing up or sitting on the toilet at first? When it’s better to give up diapers and pull-ups completely? What should they do when their toddler experiences a series of accidents after a long period of being accident-fee? What should they do to ensure that their child is not afraid of going potty? How can a mom potty train an older boy? As we’ve already understood, toddler’s gender really matters when it comes to toilet training. That’s why I’ve gathered several helpful tips to potty train a boy. Most of them will work for girls as well. I hope those tips will make your boy’s journey to being fully potty trained and free from diapers at least a little bit easier.

10 useful tips to potty train a boy

  1. Potty training age

    Of course, this issue is individual for each child. If you see that your son is not showing any interest or, even worse, if he’s scared of going on toilet, it’s better not to force him to do that and wait a little bit longer. No matter what, he won’t go to his high school graduation party or even spend his first day at school in a diaper. But if you rush too much, you might turn potty training into a quite long and traumatizing experience.

    But, most child care specialists and nannies mention that you should offer your child to use potty when he is from 2 to 3 years old. The matter is that at this age kids learn and acquire new skills faster than ever. Also, at this age they like acting like their parents and imitating their behavior. They like to do everything adults do. Your son wants to be a big boy just like daddy yet.

    Also, boys start controlling their bladders and bowers, so they’re physiologically ready to start potty training. Besides, they start talking at this age, so they can explain what they want and what they need.

  2. Introduce your boy to potty training slowly

    Don’t expect that your son will immediately understand what he’s supposed to do once you put him on the toilet. You have to start introducing him to the idea that he’s becoming a big boy now, and big boys don’t need diapers. They don’t need their mommies and daddies clean up their poop and pee, they can do it without anybody, just like adults. All children love to be independent and certainly want to grow up. So, that’s a great motivation.boy reading book while sitting on potty

    Get potty training books; start reading them to your son before proceeding to active potty training. Take your toddler to the store to buy all potty training things and toys. Let him choose his potty, offer him different books. It’s better to opt for those, who describe potty training boys, but not kids in general. It will be a little bit more special for your son.

  3. Choose the right potty

    Some people think that it will be easier to teach their kids to go on a normal toilet at once. So, they just purchase a special toddler seat for toilet and a little stool for a child to climb onto the seat. And, they also think that boys will learn how to pee while standing faster this way as well.

    However, most toddlers are afraid of big toilets. And, they also like an idea of having their own potty, like adults have their own.

    There’re quite a lot of kinds and options of potties for small children. You may even find the ones that look just like real toilet, but a toddler sized one.

    Purchase several potties to try what works for your son best. And, you may put one of them into your car and use it whenever you visit someone.

  4. Make it cool and exciting

    Turn potty training into a fun game. Make your child proud when he successfully goes on potty. Make him feel like he’s turning into a big boy each time he uses potty. Always compare how comfortable it is just to pull off his pants and use toilet instead of having his mommy or daddy change his diaper, wipe his bum with wipes or even wash it when it gets too dirty. No smelly diapers for him – a big guy – anymore. He can totally leave them for babies.

    As your boy gets older, make him think that he uses potty because he wants to, but not because you and your partner told him to. He’ll like to know that he has come up with something that impresses his parents and makes them happy.

  5. When to put your child on potty

    You change your son’s diapers every single day, so you know when your kid poops and pees. As your son gets to a certain point, when this schedule is more or less stable, you’ll know when your kid needs to go potty. Also, pay attention to the signs he’s giving to you, especially after the meals.

  6. Should a boy go potty sitting on the toilet or standing up?

    When you’re just starting potty training a boy, you should probably let him sit rather than stand while peeing. But, as he gets a little bit older and develops ability to fully control his bladder and bowel, you may proceed to this final step of potty training a boy. Nannies warn that if you start too soon, your son may poo and pee at the same time. And it’s not fun at all.toddler boy standing near the potty

  7. Personal example

    It’s good when a male partner, or father, or brother teaches your son how grown-up man use toilet. They need to explain such details to them a woman won’t be really comfortable to talk about. Also, you may keep your bathroom doors opened, so that your son sees you, using the toilet, and maybe comes to sit on his potty as well.

  8. Reduce protection levels gradually

    Start with wearing underpants during the day. Or let him run around naked (at the bottom), so that he has no other place to ‘put’ his poop or pee rather than his potty. Continue wearing diapers during nap times. Pull ups will be great for outings. Once your son is fully potty trained during the day, you may start replacing diapers with pull ups for when he sleeps. Then, put his pants under the pull up. Finish the process with getting rid of all diapers and pull ups in the house. At list, the ones your toddler used to wear.

  9. Cooperate with your babysitter and school teacher

    Most of parents need to work when their kids have to be potty trained. But they hesitate to hire a babysitter as they’re afraid she won’t keep up with the potty training routine or that she’ll do the things differently. But, professional babysitter won’t question you toilet training method or parenting style in general. She’ll follow your instructions if you explain to them to her in detail. Just tell her when your son usually goes potty, what you use to praise him, if he still wears a diaper during nap time, etc. Provide her with all necessary information and you’ll be good.

    So, if you’re looking for babysitter, go to HireRush.com and call several nannies to find out who’s able to look after your son when you or your partner aren’t able to do that yourselves.

    If your son goes to the preschool or daycare, talk to the teacher and explain to her at which stage of potty training your son is right now. She has to take care of several kids at once, so she won’t be able to keep an eye on your son all the time to see if he needs to go potty. Ask her to remind your child to use the toilet. Give her a bunch of strikers to praise your child when he goes potty. Find a daycare in your local area

  10. Encourage to go potty and praise when your boy is being good

    Don’t show your disappointment too much when your son experiences the drawbacks and has accidents. You won’t be able to avoid them, as mistakes constitute an integral part of any learning process. Don’t stop potty training your boy even when he has too many accidents in a row. That’s just a phase he’s going through.potty training chart

    Come up with a fun praising system. Don’t use too much sweets and chocolate. Stickers and potty training charts will be a visual demonstration of your son’s success. He’ll see how good he is and will want to continue. Little rewards like 10 extra minutes of his favorite carton or new underwear with the print of his favorite characters will encourage him even more. But what will really motivate your child the most is your words of love, pride and support.

Comments (2)

  1. Kara Hayes

    Potty training can be such a challenging process, but the step-by-step guidance provided here gave me a clear plan to follow. I especially appreciated the tips on recognizing readiness signs and staying patient throughout the journey. It’s reassuring to know that it’s normal for boys to take a bit longer to get the hang of it. Thank you for sharing these practical tips and making this milestone a little less daunting.

  2. Brandy Caldwell

    Thanks for the valuable insights!


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