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4 Beauty Strategies to Make You Look Good at School


Every school-going girl desires to look beautiful. Whether it is in the morning, you’ve just arrived at school or late in the evening, looking beautiful enhances your self-esteem and makes you feel outgoing and confident. Imagine if assuming a cute school look is a necessity, how can you ensure you look gorgeous without incurring extra expenses on makeups? It is easier than you can imagine!


Here is a list of tips to ensure you attain the beautiful look without spending loads of money:  

Wear Simple Makeups

Once you choose to wear makeup while going to school, it is crucial to stick to your simple and natural look. After freshly washing your face, apply a lighter foundation or a tinted moisturizer that evens your skin tone. Please do not go for the heavy, cake foundation because they easily wrinkle up and crease as the day goes, resulting in a kinky appearance.   Also, it is important to fill your eyebrows to accentuate the natural line of the brows. After that, apply eye-shadow that marinates well with your skin tone and doesn’t strongly attract other student’s attention at all. Avoid wearing metallic eye shadows, save them for the weekend or off-school activities.



Keep on Refreshing Your Looks as the Day Ages

Even though you freshly wash your face and ostensibly apply some minimal makeup, at the end of the day, your skin will produce some oil that will render your face shiny. To ensure that the shininess of the skin is kept minimal, you require a blotting paper to keep on wiping your skin as the day unfolds.   Blotting  papers are designed primarily to keep your skin moist by removing excessive oil produced by the oil glands underneath the skin. The ‘blot oil off” papers don’t interfere with your makeup hence leaves it intact with a rejuvenated, fresh look.


Embrace the Natural Look

The simplest things can make much difference to a situation. For instance, when you manage your time properly, you would unlikely find yourself asking, “who will assist me write my paper and finish it in good time?” Similarly, a simple thing like washing your face could do wonders in achieving a good natural look. It is crucial to embrace a natural wash for your face, especially if you have acne-prone skin. Begin the face washing process using a mild cleanser, applying it gently over your skin. Rinse the face with warm water and finally dry it with a microfiber hand towel.

If you have oily skin, the warm face washes done 2 to 3 times a day will do you wonders. Washing the face helps in the removal of dead cells and extra oil hence rejuvenating your skin to give you face a pretty look.

What’s more, after washing your face, sun-screening, and moisturizing with an appropriate lotion that conforms with your skin tone will be significant. However, it is advisable to avoid lotions that are oily if you have oily skin. Moisturizers help to keep your skin hydrated all the time since they lock moisture on your skin, preventing evaporation into the air. A moisturized skin looks healthy and fresh, giving an individual a striking yet beautiful look.

Another aspect of beauty is the lips. Dry, scaly lips make an individual have a pale gloomy look that could be scary to colleagues. Therefore, you need to use lip balm, gloss, or a moisturizer to keep them hydrated, soft, and healthy.

Choose Hairstyle Wisely

The hairstyle is a significant beauty element that opts not to be left behind in the pursuit of cute looks. However, you don’t need to spend a dime to have a stunning hairstyle. Pulling your hair into a two-sided or a top knot will go a long way towards giving you a beautiful look.
All you need is a considerable volume of hair, a comb, and, most importantly, a blow-drier. You can play different types of styles with your hair to give you a picturesque look. For example, make a ponytail after combing the well-blow-dried hair.

Use the tail of the hair, wrap it around the ponytail, take a pen and insert it inside the ponytail to provide pivot while securing the knot with hairpins to make it firm enough to last the hours you’ll spend at school.


Looking good plays a significant role in fostering different elements among students, such as establishing an identity among peers. Besides, an appealing look and smartness trigger confidence and high self-esteem, which sets one into a better mood for learning. It does not have to cost loads of money for an individual to look good. Simple things like washing your face and applying lip balm can change your appearance.


Photo credits pixabay.com

Comment (1)

  1. Eva Gal

    Totally vibin’ with these beauty hacks! Juggling school and the strip, gotta stay on point, ya know? These tricks are like hitting the jackpot – quick, easy, and keepin’ me lookin’ fierce from first period to after-school hangs. Props for the solid advice!


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