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Easiest ways to give your cat a pill


Cats may get infested with worms, they might need medications due to the illnesses they catch or medical procedures they go through, as well as food supplements if they suffer from digestion issues. The vets make giving a cat a pill look quite simple and effortless, as they’ve been doing it, well, at least a few times every day of their practice.

However, if you’ve ever attempted pilling a cat, you certainly don’t look forward giving the prescribed medicine to your furry little friend, who turns into a monster with sharp teeth and long catchy claws the moment he understands that you’re about to force him to swallow a pill. But, what needs to be done has to be done, and your hissing monster tucked in the corner and desperate you trying to calm him down and persuade not to take your eyes out with the claws once you take him need to accept it.

Luckily, there is a couple of pill giving tricks you may use to make the process a lot easier and less stressful for you and your beloved cat.

The key trick is to be fast and confident so that your cat doesn’t have too much time to freak out, scratch the hell out of you and run away. Obviously, you have to set up everything you need (the pill itself, a syringe or a pill gun/pill popper if needed, a towel and a few treats) in advance not to drag out the process.

Most importantly, you need to check with your vet to make sure that the pill giving method you chose is applicable to the prescribed tablets, as some medications aren’t supposed to be given with food, or crashed, or mixed with liquids. And, if you have a particularly stubborn pet that gets quite nervous and aggressive during the pill taking, ask someone to assist you to have a pair of hands keeping the cat in place and preventing him from scratching/biting people, and another pair of hands actually giving a pill.

These are the ways of giving a cat a pill I find the easiest.

Ways of pilling a cat that actually work

Give a pill with his favorite soft treats

This method is applicable only when the medication instructions do not prohibit mixing it with food or liquid.

To give your cat his medication with the treats, grab a few soft ones, insert the pill into one of them, grab the cat and give 3-4 treats in a row. Start with the pill-free treat and give the ‘functional’ one second, so that the pet doesn’t get too scared and suspicious.

Treat your kitty to another treat right after he swallows the one with the pill. Ensure that the pill is well-hidden inside the treat, as otherwise you cat will feel the bitterness of the medication and spit it out.You may also by the so-called pill pockets – special treats that are designed the way that you may easily hide the tablet in them.

It’s better to make sure that the cat is quite hungry when you give him the tablet, as he’ll be more willing to take the treats. Thus, take his food (not water) away a few hours prior to giving his medications.

Straight into the cat’s mouth

This method may sometimes get quite rough, but I feel like it’s definitely the quickest and the most effective one. It’s also great if you have to give the medications that couldn’t be smashed and mixed with water or given with food.

Basically, you’re going to force the pill into the cat’s mouth (without hurting the pet, of course). If your kitty tends to scratch, put thick gloves on your hands and wrap the cat up in a blanket, tucking those feet with sharp claws away. A long-sleeve T-shirt is preferable as well.

So, take the pill, grab your cat, wrap it up in a blanket, place him on a table and wrap your right hand around his body. Keep the pill in the other hand. You might want to restrain your cat and secure him in place using the weight of your body if he threatens to escape.

Hold the cat’s head with your right arm, place the thumb on one corner of the cat’s mouth, your index finger – on the other corner, open the cat’s mouth and immediately stick the pill in it using the free hand. Move fast so that your cat isn’t able to close his mouth or bite you. Position the pill as far on the cat’s tongue as possible (preferably on its root) and close the cat’s mouth. Keep it shut for a few moments, as otherwise, the Smarty Pants can push the pill out of his mouth.

Don’t let your pet go just yet, as a lot of felines have learned to trick their owners, make them believe that the pill is gone, walk away and spit it out when no one is watching. Instead, a few seconds after the pill has been inserted, open the cat’s mouth once again to check if he’s swallowed the medication. If not, push it back onto the root of his tongue and hold the cat’s jaws shut for another few seconds.

Release your pet only when you’re sure that the medication was swallowed. Give your pet some love and attention after everything is over.

If you’re not fond of the idea of sticking your own fingers into the cat’s mouth, use the pill gun.

The description might sound quite long and ridiculous, but I purposely made it quite detailed so that you’re able to do it quickly and efficiently. In reality, it takes no longer than one minute to give a cat a pill this way.

Personally, I prefer this method over the previous one, as I don’t have to mix medication with anything else, as well as due to the fact that my cat doesn’t really like soft treats, no does she get fooled by those.

However, I suggest letting the vet from HireRush.com to do the job if your pet gets too scared and aggressive during the pill giving. Groomers may be quite great at pilling as well. Basically, know when to ask for the professional help, as it is not good for a pet to be traumatized by his owner.

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