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12 must-have new kitten supplies


Being responsible about getting a pet (including a tiny cute kitten) means preparing your house for its appearance and buying everything your furry friend might need to feel comfortable in it.

Those essentials aren’t limited by cat food, water and food bowls and litter box.

Even though kittens are actually not that difficult to take care of, you’ll have to get a couple more things to be able to do that properly and keep your kitten happy and healthy.

So, make sure to include kitten essential items listed below into your pet store shopping list and get them before your kitten’s arrival.

Kitten supplies new cat parents will need for sure

1. Kitten food

So, you’ll need to buy high-quality food that is suitable for your kitten’s age.

Make sure to ask the breeder or a pet shelter worker if your future kitten has any allergies or diet specifics you need to take into consideration when choosing food for you kitten.

Take a close look at ingredients to choose the best food for your pet. Don’t buy too much food at once, as your little one might not like the flavor. A small pack will do for now.

2. Litter box and cat litter

Get two litter boxes.

While your kitten is quite small, it’s better to set up a small and not too deep litter box so that it’s not afraid to go potty in it.

A larger one will serve your kitten in its adult life.

3. Scratch post

Anti-scratch training is almost as important as potty training.

Scratching is a natural instinct all cats share. You can’t teach them not to scratch. However, you can teach them where they can scratch and where they can’t.

So, if you don’t want your kitten to ruin your furniture, get a scratch post and start scratch training from the young age.

4. Bowls

You kitten should have permanent access to water even if you don’t plan to feed it dry food.

So, get two basic bowls and maybe a spare one for when you decide to treat your kitten with wet food or a couple of treats.

5. Food measuring cup (or kitchen scales)

You’ll notice that cat food producers give precise instructions on how much food kittens of a certain age and weight should get per day.

They also mention how many servings you’re supposed to divide that food into.

A cat food measuring cup will help you stick to those recommendations and avoid upset stomach and cat obesity problems.

6. Cat bed

All cats love finding weird and comfy sleeping and hiding places.

But, they also need to have a certain sleeping/resting spot that’s considered theirs.
A little soft cat bed or even a house will be perfect for your new pet.

7. Kitten toys

Your furry lively bundle of joy will certainly love playing with you.

Little kittens are obsessed with various ball toys, toys with feathers, catnips, laser pointers, etc.

When playing with them, your kitten will get his excessive amount of energy out and make everyone laugh at the same time.

Get a couple of different ones to figure out your kitten’s personal preferences.

8. Shampoo, brush and nail clippers

You’ll have to carry out basic grooming procedures on your own. So, these kitten supplies will be quite handy.

Getting your young kitten used to nail clipping, bathing and brushing are quite important.

Otherwise, it will struggle with that all its adult life.

9. Cat carrier

You’ll need a comfortable, safe, sturdy and breathable carrier to take your kitten home, to take it to numerous vet visits that happen during the first year of kitten’s life, road trips, family visits, etc.

Make sure that your kitten stays comfortable in its carrier by laying a soft padding on carrier’s bottom.

Special cat mint drops might help your pet overcome the first ‘carrier scare’.

10. Cat collar, tag, and harness

Your kitten won’t mind wearing a comfortable collar if you get it used to wearing one since day one.

Obviously, a collar and a tag with your kitten’s name and your phone number is not just a cute accessory. It’s mostly a safety necessity.

God knows how these little creatures manage to escape, but sometimes they do.

I don’t think that cat harness is one of the must-have kitten supplies. But, if you’d like to try to walk your kitten outside, you’ll need to find a reliable and comfortable harness for it.

11. A bunch of lint rollers and cleaning supplies

Once you get a cat, you can’t help but find its fur literally everywhere.

Unless you don’t mind walking in clothes covered in cat hairs, it’s better to stock up on lint rollers and have them dotted all over your house. I even like to keep one at work.

Special sprays and wipes will help you combat the aftermath of your kitten’s potty and upset stomach accidents.

12. An experienced vet

Shots, health check-ups, unfortunate diseases become a part of cat owner’s life.

That’s why finding a reliable and highly qualified vet, whom you can trust with your kitten’s life, is really important.

Other kitten supplies you might want to get

  • Litter scoop
  • Vitamins
  • Feeding mat
  • Teaser toys
  • Cat flap for toilet door
  • Automatic feeder
  • Soft paws (silicone claw caps)
  • Cat hammock

Comments (2)

  1. Largest Cat Breed

    First aid kit is also a very essential and important supplies for cats and kittens. Because it is a good idea to be prepared for any kind of emergencies.

    We hope that you will never have to use a first aid kit. But in case your kitten or cat does have an accident that moment a first aid kit will help you. Some think that first aid is not necessary but when an emergency comes this will save your cat’s life. So first aid kit is very important Kitten Supplies. You make a first aid box of own and also buy it from the market.

    1. Elena Sheplyakova

      That’s an awesome tip! Thanks for sharing!


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