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How to organize kitchen cabinets in 5 steps


Organizing makes your dishes more tasty

This fact may sound strange, but it’s true. When you have your kitchen organized you can find the thing you need faster, with no need to turn off the gas stove while seeking for a necessary spice. Also you save your time and nerves. It is not an easy task to put everything in places in the kitchen, you need to have patience and inspiration, but the result will be very pleasant to you. So let’s get started! Follow 5 basic steps in organizing your kitchen cabinets.

1. Auditing and cleaning

First of all you have to put out everything you have in your cabinets.The number of things which were inside will definitely surprise you. Now you have a little chaos in your kitchen. Make a revision. Check weather you need this thing or no. If you have a doubt, ask yourself “When did I use it last time?” and if the answer is  “2-3 years ago” maybe it’s better to throw this thing away to make space for something more necessary. Check edible products like porridge, cereals, sauces, spice and others, check their shelf life. Get rid of unnecessary things.
Wear gloves, take a rag and cleaning products. Surface of kitchen cabinets is greasy, because of gas stoves and ovens.

Leave your cleaning task now

Wipe  inside the cabinets, remove crumbs and various spots. If your cabinets are made of wood and glass, use glass cleaner. Wipe glass surfaces as well. Open kitchen cabinets are always dustier than the closed ones.

2. Group your products

Next step is to group things. There is a lot of criteria on how to group them, for example, according to their use or size. But basic tip is to combine them into heaps. When they are on the table, you can change the “heap” for any thing, without getting out all things from the cabinet. Make a heap of dry food, like flakes, cereal, chips, nuts, etc. Then a group of spices, group of iron cookware like pots, pans, lids, casserole, a group of plates, group of cups, group of kitchen utensils and other things you have. This method will help you understand better how to organize your kitchen equipment.

3. Area saving

You may face such a problem as lack of place. There are some pieces of advice for you on how to avoid it.
Choose boxes with a lot of compartments, it will allow not to mix objects in a pile. Avoid using boxes with 1 large compartment, use it only for pans, pots, mixers, and other large items. Try to find some life hacks for you, such as using a kitchen magnet for knives. Quite good option is to use transparent boxes, you can make a nice sign on it according to the style of your kitchen. For example, make a box of pasta or cookie. Have a look at the picture below.

Try to keep your edible things in a transparent jar. You may use your fantasy and decorate it or make some sign on it. Use your cabinet’s door for holding, for example, lids for pots. There are many different things that will help to organize your kitchenware in order to save space.

4. Think of convenient location

Equally important aspect is to choose the right place to put the cabinet’s contents. It should be convenient to you. For example, place spoons, forks, knives in the top box of the table, because you use them quite often, namely everyday, so you can quickly get a desired cutlery. One more idea is to place cleaning products, gloves, buckets, brushes under the sink, there will be no contact with food products or appliances for cooking, safety is an important thing. So place items as it will be convenient for you personally. And we are moving to the last step of our organization 😉

5. Things outside the cabinets

You do not need to hide everything in cabinets. Leave something on the table or use some wall holder, for example for cups or seasoning. The things that will be outside the cabinets may add some details to your kitchen design. If you have a modern style of your kitchen with subdued or black and white colors, you may use metallic knife blocks and holders or magnetic knife holder. Also you may leave salt and pepper shakers, with modern design, on the table. If your kitchen has some bright accents you may place kitchenware holder on the table with spatula, skimmer, ladle etc.
Place fruit holder that contains bright fruit inside and your kitchen will sparkle with new colors!

Comment (1)

  1. Sarah Smith

    My husband and I are remodeling our kitchen and putting in new cabinets and drawers. Thanks for the advice about grouping things together like silverware and knives. Another thing to consider is increasing you cabinet size when you replace them so that you can have more room.


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