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How to treat oily skin

woman with a towel on her head cleansing her skin

The ‘fortunate’ owners of oily-combination skin know the struggle of coming up  with a decent skin care routine and oily skin treatment that is able to reduce the problems related to having this type of skin at least a little bit.

Most skin care products designed to control oily skin either don’t work at all or even cause massive break-outs. And, decorative makeup is also quite difficult to manage, especially when it comes to keeping your face free from the excessive shine. Especially in summer. Oh, that’s just a nightmare.

But the truth us that it’s not just one skin care product or makeup item that will make your oily skin look better and healthier than it currently is. Having a proper skin care routine and keeping up with it is a key to improving the state of your skin, regardless of its type.

So, here’re a couple of ideas on how to treat oily skin and which skin care steps might help you control it.

Oily skin care tips

  1. Make sure to establish a constant morning and evening routine for your face. Cleansing oily skin regularly is rather important, as clogged pores cause a lot of trouble for people with oily skin.woman cleansing her oily skin
  2. Removing excess oil without disrupting your skin’s natural moisture balance is a tough trick for people with oily skin. Find a cleanser designed specifically for oily skin. It will prevent your face from looking like an oil slick without stripping it of necessary oils.
  3. A normal routine for oily skin should include these steps: makeup removing, cleansing, toning, applying serum and eye cream, moisturizing and spot-treatment (if necessary). Don’t be lazy and stick to it every day, even if you’ve not been wearing makeup. You skin produces oil and gets dirty during the day even without having makeup on.evening oily skin care routine steps
  4. Unfortunately, all those skin care products are just skin care. They’re supposed to maintain your skin in a normal state, but not cure acne or other skin problems.
    If you have those, it’s better to consult with a skin care specialist  (find one on HireRush.com) to come up with a customized treatment and skin care routine that will target your problem areas.Post a skin care task
  5. Make sure not to apply those products immediately one after another. Let your toner or moisturizer soak into your skin and work for a couple of minutes before proceeding to the next step of your routine.
    Otherwise, you’ll layer those products on top of each other and create a mix out of different skin care solutions that won’t have any positive effect on your skin.
  6. Have a separate towel to dry your face. Make sure to change it regularly. If you have serious acne issues, use paper towels to avoid spreading old bactria all over your face every single day.
    Blot your face with a towel instead of rubbing it. This way you won’t irritate your skin and ‘damage’ your spots if you have any.woman drying her face with a towel
  7. A lot of people consider toning as optional or even quite unnecessary skin care step. However, toners are great at restoring the skin’s natural balance after it’s been cleansed and providing it with such important elements as antioxidants, ceramides, necessary oils, etc.
    They definitely make your skin look fresher and smoother. And, the great thing is that oily skin owners don’t have to avoid alcohol-containing toners.
  8. Oily skin treatment products often include some kind of an acid that decreases your skin’s oil production. Those may be cleansers, toners, scrubs, makeup pads, masks, etc. They really do their job when they’re applied regularly. They’re aimed at maintaining your face in a good state. But they not the cure for oily skin.
    And, you should be really careful not to overuse them and end up with the dried-out oily-type skin. It will just freak out and start producing even more oil, thinking that the current level of ‘production’ doesn’t satisfy the needs.acid-based oily skin care products
  9. Despite a common misconception that face creams make oily skin look even greasier and shinier than it normally is, oily skin has to be moisturized.
    Over drying it with acid-containing cleansers and skipping the moisturizing step won’t do you any good. So, finding a perfect moisturizer for oily skin is much more difficult than finding one for a normal/dry skin.
  10. You need to find light day and night face creams that won’t clog your pores. But, it’s still necessary to make sure that your oily skin gets enough moisture. As if it doesn’t, it will produce more and more oil you’ll have to deal with.
    The worst thing that you never know which product will suit your skin the best until you try it. However, if an oily-skin owner is on the lookout for a face cream, he/she should stick to the oil-free water based moisturizing creams.woman moisturizing her face skin
  11. Scrubbing your skin means getting rid of dead skin and smoothing out the surface of your face. However, oily skin does not tolerate too harsh and too frequent exfoliating.
    So, if you have oily skin, choose a mild face scrub with tiny exfoliating particles and use it once or twice a week. Be careful not to scrub your spots not to make them even worse.
  12. Don’t overwork with those face cleaning brushes like Clarisonic or Foreo Luna cleansers, especially if you have spots and blemishes. Some dermatologists note that those brushes move too fast and are too harsh on people’s delicate face skin.
    And, as they don’t really ‘pull’ the dirt out of pores, but perform circular rubbing motions on our skin, they don’t even do the job manufacturers claim they’re designed for.
    Remember how you always try not to rub your face even when you remove your makeup or dry your face with a towel? Well, imagine 300 rubbing motions attacking one area of your face per second. Brrrr!irritated face skin
  13. Powder is made to touch up your makeup and set the foundation, but not to reduce the shininess of your skin. So, don’t powder your oily T-zone. You’ll just cover up the oil that’s already come through your pores and trigger even more excessive oil production.
    Blot your oily areas with matifying paper and wear mattifying primer/setting spray under/over your foundation.
  14. Use quick-fix remedies for your spots to get rid of them ASAP. If you can’t find a spot cream at home just when you need to get rid of that ugly pimple, don’t pop it! Use aspirin, apple cider vinegar and tea tree or lavender oil to cure it. woman surprised to notice pimples on her face
  15. Pamper your skin regularly. Treat your face with a nice mask, scrub and cleansing facial every once in a while. Beauty salons and skin care specialists provide a wide range of those services that make you feel like a goddess.
    But you don’t have to spend a ton of money to pamper your skin of you don’t want to. In fact, you may even make a healthy and natural mask for your face at home. Check out these simple recipes of masks for oily skin on Beauty.about.com and carry out a relaxing spa night at no cost!

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